There is need to restructure the IT department. Th
Forum 4 Assignment 1
Q Write 1 page
From this week’s reading, Chapters 18, complete one (your preference) of the "Topics for Discussion and Action" at the end of each chapter assigned.
You should have 1 questions in total, one from each chapter.
There are several benefits to the B2B ecommerce model. With the continual growth of this company model, new opportunities emerge all the time (Jones & George, 2020). Consider this: the target consumer base for most businesses are millennials. Millennials feel at ease in the digital world and prefer to make purchases online; that need is met by B2B ecommerce. As such, this discussion investigates the advantages and disadvantages of a B2B model. Business-to-business digital commerce sites allow clients to buy items online while also presenting many new advantages to a firm (Jones & George, 2020). Customers, dealers, and retailers benefit from monitoring their online and offline transactions in one site, coordinating their purchases, finances, and viewing their tariffs and applicable discounts via an online service.